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Friday, February 09, 2007

Stuart update

I finally caught up with Bruins defenseman Brad Stuart today after practice in Wilmington and asked him about Pierre Lebrun's Canadian Press report from earlier this week that claimed the blueliner went to B's management and "politely told them he doesn't want to stay."

Stuart, as mild-mannered and soft-spoken as they come, answered me with a slight tone of disgust as he told me: "I've never said anything to anyone. It's the same thing as saying I want to be on the West Coast. It's disappointing people assume stuff like that. I never told anyone that. My wife never told anyone that. I wish I could go around talking about people, making stuff up. But that's what people do. I guess it's more interesting."

After Stuart, a UFA-to-be this summer, was burned on two of Carolina's goals Thursday night, B's head coach Dave Lewis said he thought the defenseman was a little distracted by the rumor mill. Stuart now stands at minus-23 on the season. Here's how Stuart responded when I asked him if he feels distracted:

"I don't know if I'm distracted, I guess. It's tough hearing all of that stuff. I'm still trying to do my best. It seems now the harder I try ... the more frustrating it gets."

Stuart's not getting involved in any negotiations that might be going on between his agent Pat Brisson and the B's. And he still has a desire to carry on in a B's uniform.

"I'd love for us to make a run and get into the playoffs," he noted.

-Matt Kalman,


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